
Friday, 22 April 2011

A prayer of resignation to God's will

http://www.cfnews.org.uk/ - 21.04.2011

I BELIEVE, my Saviour, that you know just what is best for me. I believe that you love me better than I love myself, that you are all-wise in your Providence, and all-powerful in your protection. My Lord, I will wait on you for your guidance, and, on obtaining it, I will act upon it in simplicity and without fear. And I promise that I will not be impatient, if at any time I am kept by you in darkness and complexity; nor will I ever complain or fret if I come into any misfortune or anxiety.

(Blessed John Henry Newman)

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Ain't nobody here but us chickens...

Catholic Paterfamilias blog - 5.4.2011


Dedicated to those members of the Oratorian community who have failed to rectify the outrage perpetrated against Fr Dermot Fenlon (and with my apologies to the late and great Louis Jordan).

Olympic Wit from the Oxford Oratory

Catholic and Loving It! Blog - 1.04.2011

Those fantastic wits at the Oxford Oratory pulled a hilarious April Fools Day prank in which they pretended that Fr Anton Webb has been selected to represent Vatican City at the 2012 Olympics.

The joke is on them of course - everybody knows that Oratorian's are best at...

...The Triple Jump!