(ASCA) - Roma, 20 ago - A poche settimane dalla visita di papa Benedetto XVI, l'Oratorio di Birmingham, fondato da John Henry Newman che il pontefice beatifichera' durante il suo viaggio in Gran Bretagna, ha deciso la rimozione, senza causa apparente, di tre dei suoi preti, condannati a ritirarsi ''in preghiera per un periodo di tempo indefinito''. Padre Philip Cleevely, padre Dermot Fenlon e fratel Lewis Berry sono stati spostati in tre diversi monasteri - di cui uno in Sud Africa - al termine di una visita apostolica dell'Oratorio. I motivi della decisione non sono stati precisati, anche se ci sono state allusioni a ''dissapori'' all'interno della comunita' religiosa di cui facevano parte. Padre Jack Valero, portavoce dell'Oratorio, ha spiegato che ''i tre sono completamente innocenti da qualsiasi colpa, con particolare riferimento a casi di abusi sessuali o di omofobia''. Papa Benedetto XVI visitera' in forma privata l'Oratorio dopo aver presieduto alla messa di beatificazione del cardinale Newman a Birmingham il prossimo 19 settembre.
Translation from
(ASCA)-Rome, 20 August-just a few weeks before the visit of Pope Benedict XVI, the Birmingham Oratory, founded by John Henry Newman that the Pope will beatify ' during his trip to Britain, decided the removal, without apparent cause, of three of his priests, condemned to retreat '' in prayer for an indefinite period of time. '' Father Philip Cleevely, father Dermot Fenlon and brother Lewis Berry were moved into three different monasteries-including one in South Africa-at the end of an apostolic visit of Oratory. The reasons for the decision have not been clarified, although there were disagreements allusions to '' '' within the religious communities which included. Father Jack Valero, spokesman of the oratory, explained that ' ' the three are completely innocent of any fault, with particular reference to cases of sexual abuse or homophobia ' '. Pope Benedict XVI will visit ' in private oratory after chaired the mass of beatification of Cardinal Newman in Birmingham on 19th September.
3 Oratorians were ordered to "spend time in prayer" at 3 separate monasteries hundreds of miles apart and indefinitely. Of the 3, Fr. Dermot Fenlon (described by the Oratory's own spokesman as "entireley guiltless of any wrong doing whatsoever") remains silenced and in exile. This blog is an archive of publications about the scandal at Newman's Oratory. It aims to bring out the facts, of the great injustice suffered by the 3, particularly the cruel treatment of Fr. Dermot Fenlon.