
Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Changes within the English Oratories: Fr Ignatius Harrison has been appointed Provost of the Birmingham Oratory

A Reluctant Sinner (link) 20.9.2011

The Very Rev Ignatius Harrison CongOrat, who is currently the Provost of the London Oratory (more commonly known as the Brompton Oratory) was today also appointed Provost of the Birmingham Oratory. This appointmentby the Holy See follows the sudden resignation of the Very Rev Richard Duffield CongOrat. This information was released in an email by the Catholic Communications Network, though is yet to appear on the Bishops' Conference website's media page.

According to the press release, Fr Duffield resigned for reasons of ill-health, at his own request. Though, especially in light of the recent events at the Birmingham Oratory, in which the community seems to have suffered from internal disagreements, many will wonder whether there is more to this story than meets the eye.

Peter Jennings, Press Secretary to the Archbishop of Birmingham, reports that "Fr Gareth Jones, a priest of the Archdiocese of Cardiff, a former novice at the Birmingham Oratory, has been appointed as Assistant to Fr Harrison."

It was also announced today that Fr Ignatius Harrison will be the new Actor and Vice-Postulator for the Cause of Blessed John Henry Newman, who was beatified just over a year ago on 19 September 2010.

No details have been released as to whether or not Fr Harrison will now leave his position at the London Oratory, or whether there are plans to replace him there.

Please keep both Fr Harrison and Fr Duffield, as well as the London and Birmingham Oratories in your prayers.